Juv Serum Brightening Vit A+

(1 customer review)


Juv Serum Brightening Vit A+ contains vitAlease® which is a derivative of Vitamin A in Encapsulation form. It is highly effective and reduces the chance of irritation better than general Vitamin A. It enhances the care of acne problems with SEBOCLEARTM-MP by balancing out the good bacteria on skin and controlling excess sebum. With Multifruit TM BSC & Skinperf LWG, a natural AHA source developed for gentle exfoliation, it reduces the chance of skin irritation and takes care of acne holes, dark spots, and acne scars for even skin. In addition, PENTAVITIN®+STIMU-TEX®AS +Citue Bisabolol helps soften and moisturizes skin as well as reduces wrinkles.

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